Friday, May 2, 2014

Defining yourself

How do you define yourself? Do you define yourself by what you were called as a kid? If you asked a twelve year old in public school to define himself, you might run into some speed bumps. People call him a nerd, a spaz, a freak. Is that who he is, or what people say he is? Is he actually evaluating who he is, or what he's supposed to be as dictated by school, peers, trends, and society? Does he define himself by the American Apparel t-shirt his friends insist make him look cool, or the hairstyle his friends say is gay? How can anyone define themselves whenever they are lost in a sea of social standards?
That's a lot of questions. What would you write down if you were twelve again? Public school forces you to define yourself only by what other people reflect back at you. It insists that you blindingly follow orders, sit in a chair behind a desk eight hours a day for twelve years, and the social pressure can confine you into a mold you have no interest in being in. How can you find out who you are if you're never given the opportunity?
Unschooling changes the entire dynamic. Imagine if you were free to explore not only the real world every day, but yourself. You find out what you like, dislike, are passionate about, and ultimately, who you are. I wrote down who I was on a piece of paper (shown above). Thanks to unschooling, I know who I am, and don't believe in being what people tell me I'm supposed to be.
Thanks for reading! :)

1 comment:

  1. I see you in the unschooling groups--when I saw what you wrote in that picture i was totally impressed by the "I'm your worst nightmare" line. You are their worst nightmare--a free thinking youth that will grow into a voter that is impervious to bullshit? Bravo to you!
